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I'm talking about science on the leading edge, where it's not clear which way things are going because we don't know, and I'm dealing with areas which we don't know about.

- Rupert Sheldrake

As soon as we accept the theory that the mind is more extensive than the brain, a whole range of unexplained phenomena begin to make sense.

- Rupert Sheldrake

At the moment of insight, a potential pattern of organized behavior comes into being.

- Rupert Sheldrake

As Terence McKenna observed, "Modern science is based on the principle: 'Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest.' The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing."

- Rupert Sheldrake  (Dr. Glen's note: My help was requested with Terence's healing at the very end of his struggle with brain cancer... His presence is missed, but his brilliance endures...)

The universe is not in a steady state; there's an ongoing creative principle in nature, which is driving things onwards.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical.

- Rupert Sheldrake

The mechanistic theory of nature is a theory of nature, and one that I think is wrong, or at least too limited. It's not an eternal truth.

- Rupert Sheldrake

I think that the laws of nature are also prone to evolve; I think they are more like habits than laws.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake

For more than 200 years, materialists have promised that science will eventually explain everything in terms of physics and chemistry. Believers are sustained by the faith that scientific discoveries will justify their beliefs.

- Rupert Sheldrake

The Physics of Angels book

If there is no randomness in the universe, then what do we mean by chaos?

- Rupert Sheldrake

Science Set Free book

The science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality in principle leaving only the details to be filled in.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Matter is merely mind deadened by the development of habit to the point where the breaking up of these habits is VERY DIFFICULT.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.

Professor Rupert Sheldrake of the University of Cambridge is best known for his theory of Morphic Resonance.

The theory proposes that the morphic resonance field is non-local, thus not affected by distance, but only by such connections as similarity, relationship, resonance, meaning or intention... 

Similar morphic units or holons share a common morphic resonance and are thus linked to a morphic field common to that species.

This patterning is in line with the spiritual conception of ranks of angels, with that angelic hierarchy representing the presence of a shared morphic resonance fields for species, genera, classes, phyla and kingdoms,.

This may help explain, for example, why very similar body forms may appear across geological time and space in entirely unrelated biological species.

Relevant observations extend beyond the biological realm to inorganic chemistry, where new chemical compounds appear to learn how to crystallize and share the growing knowledge of structural relationships across the initial experiences, independent of distance, as though a newly minted angel is learning how to perform its work.

Coming from the study of Biology, his theory is akin to physicist David Bohm's theory of the Implicate Order.

As Professor Sheldrake quotes Bohm in his book The Physics of Angels, "Matter is frozen light."

Bohm was Einstein's choice as a successor in advancing the understanding of physics...

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The idea is that there is a kind of memory in nature. Each kind of thing has a collective memory.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Morphic Resonance book

Science at its best is an open-minded method of inquiry, not a belief system.

- Rupert Sheldrake

The Presence of the Past book

The facts of science are real enough, and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Right now, any opinion anyone has about whether dogs can or cannot really tell when their owner is coming home by some unknown means... nobody knows. The weight of evidence suggests they can.

- Rupert Sheldrake

We must become aware of the astonishing fact that as a species we are the victims of an instance of traumatic abuse in childhood. As human beings, we once had a symbiotic relationship with the world-girdling intelligence of the planet that was mediated through shamanic plant use. This relationship was disrupted an eventually lost by the progressive climatic drying of the Eurasian and African land masses.

- Rupert Sheldrake

I think creativity depends on having sufficient indeterminacy around for a new pattern to arise up within it.

- Rupert Sheldrake

Creativity gives new forms, new patterns, new ideas, new art forms. And we don't know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air? What? Creativity is a mystery wherever you encounter it...

- Rupert Sheldrake

What you do, what you say and what you think can influence other people by morphic resonance. There is no immoral filter in morphic resonance, which means that we have to be more careful about what we are thinking if we are concerned about the affect we have on others.

- Rupert Sheldrake

There's a certain kind of skepticism that can't bear uncertainty...

- Rupert Sheldrake

...Because a truly skeptical position would be a very uncertain one. 

- Rupert Sheldrake

The simplest and cheapest of all reforms within institutional science is to switch from the passive to the active voice in writing about science.

- Rupert Sheldrake

All research scientists know that writing in the passive voice is artificial. They are not disembodied observers but people doing research.

- Rupert Sheldrake

I bought into the standard scientific atheist phase when I was about 14. I bought into that package deal of science equals atheism.

- Rupert Sheldrake

I still say the Lord's Prayer every day. It covers a lot of ground in our relation to the world.

- Rupert Sheldrake

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

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[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.